Detergent homogenizing mixer


Mixer omoginizare detergent constau dintr-un corp în formă de U, în interiorul căruia se roteşte un arbore cu palete spiralate duble, care amestecă materialul încărcat în trei direcţii. Malaxarea este destul de eficienta pentru a asigura amestecarea rapidă şi completă a materialului. Arborii sunt fixaţi în lagărele cu rulmenţi, în set cu garnituri. Arborele superior este echipat cu balamale şi buncăr de încărcare, acestea fiind fixate cu vinturi pe corpul mixerului. În partea central inferioară a mixerului este instalată supapa de deschidere rapidă cu şurub de acţiune manuală. Mixerul este ataşat şi susţinut pe structura de bază, fabricate din secţiuni ISMC, şi nu este supus vibraţiilor.

The drive mechanism consists of a TEFC 415 V three-phase electric motor coupled to the gearbox of the horizontal helical reducer with coupling mechanisms, protection, etc., which rotate the vanes at approximately 50 revolutions/min.

This type of mixer is made of stainless steel or other materials, both the sides and the central shaft. The central shaft is equipped with special mixing paddles, developed to ensure the action against the flow, fixed on massive supports. The materials in the mixer are in continuous circulation from one end to the other. Larger mixers are equipped with inner and outer paddles, and the outer paddles are equipped with brushes to ensure the cleaning process. The outer paddles permute the ingredients for discharge, while the inner paddles rotate the material constantly in the opposite direction. At each end of the container, sealing gaskets are provided according to the diameter of the shaft. This prevents the material from leaking. The mixer is equipped with a hopper and an unloading device. The action block consists of a gearbox coupled to the engine.

The working capacity is 60%-70% of the total capacity. The design of the mixer is subject to changes to keep up with current requirements, ensuring increased efficiency and elegance.


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