Industrial ribbon type mixer with exhaust auger


Mixerul industrial de tip ribbon este utilizat pentru amestecarea omogenă a pulberii uscate cu diferită densitate, fiind utilizat în industria alimentară, minieră, farmaceutică şi chimică. Acesta reprezintă un mixer simplu universal, care poate amesteca de asemenea şi materiale semi-umede. Pentru diferite materiale se utilizează diferite palete. Mixerul constă dintr-un corp de formă cilindrică, în interiorul căruia se roteşte un arbore cu spirală dublă, elicoidală, cu palete interioare și exterioare.

During the rotation of the shaft, the paddles rise, transmit and mix the material to obtain a homogeneous mass, in short intervals of time. The discharge of the material is carried out through the bottom, through a quick opening valve.
It is intended for intensive mixing of wet and dry materials, used in the food, chemical, pharmaceutical industry, in the production of paint, cement, refractory material, adhesive, construction materials, dyes.

This type of mixer is made of stainless steel or other materials, both the sides and the central shaft. The central shaft is equipped with special mixing paddles, developed to ensure the action against the flow, fixed on massive supports. The materials in the mixer are in continuous circulation from one end to the other. Larger mixers are equipped with inner and outer paddles, and the outer paddles are equipped with brushes to ensure the cleaning process. The outer paddles permute the ingredients for discharge, while the inner paddles rotate the material constantly in the opposite direction. At each end of the container, sealing gaskets are provided according to the diameter of the shaft. This prevents the material from leaking. The mixer is equipped with a hopper and an unloading device. The action block consists of a gearbox coupled to the engine.

The working capacity is 60%-70% of the total capacity. The design of the mixer is subject to changes to keep up with current requirements, ensuring increased efficiency and elegance.

Technical specifications
Capacity: 10 ~ 10,000 liters per batch
Mixing time: 5 ~ 15 min
End thrust bearings with various types of air-purged or grease-sealed shaft seals
Heavy duty mixing chamber made of carbon steel or 304L / 316L stainless steel
Stainless steel surface finished: sandblasting, fine polishing.
Intake with large hopper/tank or several round intake spigots

Vendor Information

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Process Equipment and Machinery



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